Saturday, September 27, 2014


What makes you happy?

What makes me happy, is the fact that I'm sitting here writing this in a sweatshirt, pajama pants and fuzzy socks while eating macaroni and cheese, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Pocahontas. 

What makes me happy is the fact that I was able to drive only a short distance to each of my siblings house today just to say hi. It makes me happy that I have a close relationship with each and every one of them.  It makes me happy to know that we can all grow old together and laugh about it.

What makes me happy is the fact that just last night I was feeling lonely and I had friends less than five minutes away from me that love me and are willing to take me in even if it is eleven at night.

But mainly, my fuzzy socks.  To be able to hold something that is so pleasant to the touch and keeps me completely warm.  I mean really what person is like that all the time?  What person can make you so happy always that they always feel good and they can always comfort you whenever you expect it?  My socks are here for me.  My socks know me.  And when I look at my socks I know that they are mine.  I know that they will never leave me.

I know that it's a wee bit dumb to be writing about something as taken granted for as socks but really.  What kind of a person can do what they do?


  1. SOCKS ARE THE BEST! man, we could be friends.

  2. Yes! I actually did all of these things last weekend XD

  3. umm yeah, fuzzy socks answer all life's complicated questions.
