Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oh the crap people go through

Being human is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  The crap that people go through in their lives is beyond what people can even fathom.  We've all heard all of the stories, maybe even experienced some. But to be human is just emotion.  People turn to logic because it makes sense but being human means you feel. And let me tell you I've felt a lot.

Physically, I've broken both of my arms, I've broken my toe and ripped off the nail, i've gotten my wisdom teeth removed and I've experienced strep.  Even worse than that was mono. I've had the flue and I have chronic headaches. Some worse than others.  I've been cut and bruised but the worst is a broken heart.  They say that breaking your femur or child birth is the worst pain but there's nothing worse than a pain that doesn't heal.  No matter what happens in your life once your heart is broken you can always relive that pain. 

Emotionally, I've gone in and out of depression.  I've cried for no reason at all and I've cried for reasons unlimited.  I've been left behind and I've been kicked behind.

Being human is what we do for a living.  It's just one of those crappy things in a crappy world that we have to go through.  We have to make mistakes.  We have to be sad otherwise we would never know what it's like to be happy...

Sometimes you just have to take the bad days as well as the good ones

1 comment:

  1. wow i really love this post it is such like a realization everything you said especially when you said "being human is what we do for a living" so brilliant!!!!
