Stand up for yourself.
This month has been the best month for me. I used to put up with so much crap. I honestly can't stand it.
I'm one of those people that will kill myself trying to lift someone else up and I always knew this was a problem but I always told myself "At least it's better than tearing someone down to lift myself up" but if I'm not looking out for myself who is? I'm not saying that my new motto is to incinerate others with my words to make sure that I'm sitting on the highest pedistol, I'm just saying I need to start letting people know when something is not ok with me because otherwise I will have serious insecurity problems for the rest of my life.
This month I have stood up for my beliefs and it has not only helped me build my confidence but people have actually thanked me for saying something when they didn't have the guts. I honestly can't even tell you how much that meant to me. I was terrified
every single time that I said anything but now that I see that a lot of the times people are willing to accomidate to what makes you feel comfortable, I know that I have the power to make a difference in my life and in others. It's scary at first but it is most definitely worth it.
If you've never had the opportunity to do this for someone then you are truly blessed by surrounding yourself with the right people but if you have had the opportunity and didn't take it, just tell yourself that you will next time and that it's so so worth it. If you always stand up for yourself and you know exactly what I'm talking about then good for you. Isn't it great? Doesn't it just make you feel so good about yourself?\
I just hope that everyone knows to stand up for something. Because let's face it, if you don't stand up for anything then you will fall for everthing.